Monday, June 28, 2010

You Want To Know What I'm Thinking?

I'll tell you what it is...
I wonder how I got so lucky. What did I do to deserve this?
I look into your eyes and see how much you love me.
When I think about my future, you're all that I see.
Please don't take me lightly.
Please don't question what I say because
When I think of you, it makes me happy and makes my day.

Maybe I don't talk much and maybe you don't like it that way.
But, honestly and truthfully it's because you take my breath away.
Without you I'd be so lost, I wouldn't know what to do.
Please! Please! Believe me when I say I love you.
I mean every word. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.
Please! Please! Don't let me lose you.

I wouldn't try so hard to keep you if this wasn't right.
I know you want it too but why do we ALWAYS fight?
The best things are worth fighting for.
Maybe I should take my own advice and maybe I should let you go
and live your life.
What am I saying? I can't give up.
You're all that I live for...I'm not losing hope.

Maybe these words mean nothing and maybe what you say is true.
Maybe if I let you in my head you'd be able to get through.
But I promise you this and maybe you'll see...
The only things in my head are thoughts of you and me.

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