Monday, June 28, 2010

You Want To Know What I'm Thinking?

I'll tell you what it is...
I wonder how I got so lucky. What did I do to deserve this?
I look into your eyes and see how much you love me.
When I think about my future, you're all that I see.
Please don't take me lightly.
Please don't question what I say because
When I think of you, it makes me happy and makes my day.

Maybe I don't talk much and maybe you don't like it that way.
But, honestly and truthfully it's because you take my breath away.
Without you I'd be so lost, I wouldn't know what to do.
Please! Please! Believe me when I say I love you.
I mean every word. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.
Please! Please! Don't let me lose you.

I wouldn't try so hard to keep you if this wasn't right.
I know you want it too but why do we ALWAYS fight?
The best things are worth fighting for.
Maybe I should take my own advice and maybe I should let you go
and live your life.
What am I saying? I can't give up.
You're all that I live for...I'm not losing hope.

Maybe these words mean nothing and maybe what you say is true.
Maybe if I let you in my head you'd be able to get through.
But I promise you this and maybe you'll see...
The only things in my head are thoughts of you and me.

Friday, June 4, 2010


You both use me.
You take advantage of the fact that I'll do anything you ask.
I hate it more than anything.