Monday, March 8, 2010


If there was one thing that I could take back...
If there was one thing I could change...
It would be YOU.
You're everywhere. I can't lose you.
Your words follow me. Your memories haunt me.
You're gone but you're still here.
You have invaded my life. You have taken a part of me.
Your controlling and manipulative nature destroyed me.
It destroyed my sense of judgment. You clouded my vision.
I couldn't lose you now even if I wanted to.
Our lives have become a entanglement so deep that it won't just go away.
Family, Friends, all has become involved in this web of hatred.
I'd give anything to make you stop.
I'd give anything to make you go away.
I'd give ANYTHING to make the memories vanish.
What am I saying? You're the best and I hate it.

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