Sunday, February 21, 2010


Silent and Cold. So Alone...
The memories of things once happy and cheerful send shivers down my spine.
What have I done?

Who have I become?
This isn't me. This isn't what I want. My insides want to pour out the bad and bring back the good that once was. It's pointless. Things are done. I cannot escape the misery that I have entangled myself in. I'm an empty shell of a person. Going through the motions. I cannot say how I feel because there is no feeling left.
Stop asking me to. There's nothing to say.

What have I done to you? I've cut you down, I've torn you apart. Things will not, can not, ever be the same. I see the hurt in your eyes and all I want to do is say it'll be ok. But I can't because it won't ever be ok. I've messed up, I'll admit but there's nothing in the world that can change it.

What's done is done.

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