Sunday, February 28, 2010

What If...

I lie here thinking. My heart is the only sound pulsing through the silence.
With each beat comes a new thought:
What if?...
What if I hadn't met you?...
What if you hadn't looked at me that way?...
What if I hadn't given myself to you?..
Too many what if's. Too many words trying to make themselves known.
Each thought swells in my head. It's becoming too crowded. Help....I feel myself falling.
Catch me....
Why can't you see how I feel about you?
Why can't you see that every ounce of me is calling out to you?
Shouting. Screaming. Wanting.Take my hand! I'll show you everything WILL be ok.
Trust me. Please trust me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

You Give Me Something To Believe In

When There's Really Nothing Left.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You're All I Could Ever Want..

But There's Nothing I Can Do About It.
You're Out of Reach.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Why do I let you control me?
Why do I let you have such a tight grasp on my mind?
The closer I feel like I'm getting to you the further you drift away. I feel your grip tighter and tighter around me, suffocating me, but I like it. I don't want it to go away. You can control me like no one else can. I don't understand it.

Why do you not care?

Why keep leading my heart down a path of lies?
My heart is fragile and is shattering. I won't be able to pick up the pieces. You don't care.Take back your lies, take back your actions, take back your words. I don't want them anymore. I'm breaking free.


Silent and Cold. So Alone...
The memories of things once happy and cheerful send shivers down my spine.
What have I done?

Who have I become?
This isn't me. This isn't what I want. My insides want to pour out the bad and bring back the good that once was. It's pointless. Things are done. I cannot escape the misery that I have entangled myself in. I'm an empty shell of a person. Going through the motions. I cannot say how I feel because there is no feeling left.
Stop asking me to. There's nothing to say.

What have I done to you? I've cut you down, I've torn you apart. Things will not, can not, ever be the same. I see the hurt in your eyes and all I want to do is say it'll be ok. But I can't because it won't ever be ok. I've messed up, I'll admit but there's nothing in the world that can change it.

What's done is done.