Monday, August 30, 2010

Brick by Brick by Brick

There comes a moment in time, when you realize
everything you've been wishing for and hoping for might not be what you need.
A thousand broken promises.
A million words said.
All the same. Repeat.
The same vicious cycle of love and disaster.
One thing said, another thing done.

I promise this time is different.
I want this to work.
Dishonesty. Heartbreak. Lies. Repeat.

Always seems like one person wants it more than the other.
Your words are the only thing can do damage to me.
The only thing that can destroy me.
And you use them so well.

It's completely insane how the ONE person you
would do anything for, can treat you this way.
ESPECIALLY when you've done nothing wrong.
Endless. You can hurt me and I accept it and move on.
I know it's just going to happen again and again.
In the back of my head, deep inside me, I hope things will change.

I'm slowly building a wall. With every dishonest moment, a brick.
Every misleading glance or touch, a brick. Every broken promise, a brick.
I'd do anything in this world to make you see how I feel but,
in the end, it's the same.
I've let you down because apparently my feelings for you were
never clear. You still haven't been able to grasp the fact of how
much I care.
How if you were the last person I saw before I died, I'd be complete.
How no one else matters.
How your eyes are all I see when I close mine.
My every waking moment is centered around you.
But I don't think you know that..or even care.

It's partially my fault, I'll admit. I know I don't say how I feel.
I just wish you could see it. When you look into my eyes.
I'm in love with you.
One of these days I'll be able to tell you, and you'll believe me.
I can't wait for that day.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Time is of the Essence.

I don't know what's worse...
Losing you completely the first time and not knowing it was going to happen...
Knowing the exact time when you're going to walk out of my life again.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Time Machine.

Those pictures....look nothing like you.
It's like you've went back in time.
You look so happy.

Maybe it's for the best.
You wouldn't have known me then.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Easy Come, Easy Go.

It's getting harder to remember....
And easier to forget.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Once In a Lifetime, We Get Another Chance...

Can this really be happening again?
Out of everyone...
Maybe you're the light at the end of this long tunnel.