Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Pain Is the Only Reminder That You were Real.

You say:
"I love you baby. You're mine. I'm yours."
It melts me but leaves me cold at the same time.
I know when you leave that the feelings going away.
I wish it didn't hurt like this.
I want it to be as easy for me as it is for you.
I wish I could block it out.
But I can't help it. Your touch and your words are SO believable when I'm with you.
It would almost be easier if you didn't say it at all.
But everytime I'm with you I pray it will change. Pray things will be different.
But they won't be. I know this.
I've cried too many tears for you.

The second you walk out the door...I'm alone once again. Cold. Left with my thoughts and heartache. The tears flow down my cheeks. Dear God, Help Me Be Strong.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Can anyone out there make me feel alive again?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

It Will Be a Bitter Pill To Her..

they're taking away my imagination...

I want it back.